The story of ‘us’…
Years ago God led us to a volunteer faith-based organization that fostered sibling groups, and it has changed our lives. We were exposed to a world we didn’t know existed. A world of turmoil, violence, addiction, and innocent children being caught in the crossfire. Our first priority became the desire to protect them from harm and remove them from dangerous situations immediately. We became a “safe place” where kids could grow and thrive. We were fingerprinted, home inspected, trained, and wide open to take in children at risk.
We learned so much during the first few years, it was almost overwhelming. We came to understand that everything in that dark world that these kids are born into is constantly changing. I would describe it as fluid- comes in waves where people come and go in their lives and they have strangers living in their houses, they pick up and move all the time taking only what they can carry because they couldn’t pay the rent or they couldn’t control the bed bugs or roach infestation, and nothing ever stays the same. There is no stability, no foundation, no family photos hanging on the walls, no traditions, just chaos. There are no “baby books” or special “blankies” no keepsakes whatsoever except what we manage to have captured while they lived with us. Think about that…. isn’t it a sad world we live in when the only existing baby pictures of these precious kids are pictures that their foster parents took and kept? We wish we had more for them because it’s so important to them now that they are older.
Our house has a revolving door. The system is so broken these kids would be returned to the chaos time and time again, always returning to us. Thankfully, many of the children we help to raise and/or fostered are still a part of our lives and we know how unusual that is. We are so grateful. We know that even a temporary investment in a child is worthwhile and will bear much fruit. It is necessary, it is God’s way of keeping them safe and letting them know they are loved and that there is hope when they are in a dark place. It is so vital that you and I who are lovers of people reach out to these families and just embrace them.
When you tenderly love and care for a child it is life changing. Always.
It may not always be easy, but it is always worth it.
Our KKIDS,Inc organization was founded to fund our organization because we do not receive government funds or benefits. We don’t get “government money” to raise these children. We depend upon the support of people who love children and believe in our program. Our position as “volunteers” makes it less disruptive and places us in a neutral position so that the single parents of these kids do not lose their benefits that they depend upon to survive. Our experience has shown us that the parents are much more receptive to allowing their children to live at our home in a safe environment when they don’t have to deal with child services and when they know that our motivation is solely to help. So, we have placements through the State and placements that are here because their parents want them to have a stable, loving home. But we depend upon YOUR support to supplement our own single income as auctioneers to help us care for all of them and their families.
Our goal now is also to help heal the broken system. We seek to have legislation changed and expose the areas in our child protective services that need improvement. We continue to educate and encourage families in our community to become foster homes. We are willing to do what is necessary to change our community and the lives of the children that God places in our path. We couldn’t do any of this if it weren’t for the help and generosity of others. We are humbled and so grateful to all of you who support us!
These kids really are our life and our purpose.